
Famous Quotes By Famous People

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Famous Quotes By Famous People

Famous Quotes By Famous People
  • John Keats - 
  • John Keats continues to reign supreme as the English poet who glorified romance and celebrated its magic. Immersed in representative imagery and artistic appeal, his poems are a treat. Despite severe criticism, Keats exerted considerable influence on poets like Alfred Tennyson and Wilfred Owen. So read on and let the romantic John Keats enamor you with his honeyed words.
  • Tennyson - 
  • You probably know this famous line, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". What you probably don’t know is that it was penned by Alfred Lord Tennyson, a famous poet laureate whose words inspired millions of readers and aspiring authors. His famous works include In Memoriam A.H.H. and Idylls of the King. Tennyson skillfully worked with rhythm in his poems. His writ…
  • Hemingway Quotes
  • - Ernest Hemingway, an American novelist and short story writer of the 20th century, was the author of great classics like The Old Man and the Sea, A Moveable Feast, Across the River and Into the Trees, and many others. He is considered a revolutionary writer with modern ideas; as he inspired contemporary fiction writers with the Hemingway style. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Here some are Hemingway quotes that help us understand the reason for his universal appeal.
  • Cato
  • - Joseph Addison wrote a play entitled Cato, a Tragedy in 1712. This play would become one of his best-known works. Cato was based on the life of Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis, a Roman statesman who lived between 95 B.C. and 46 B.C. Cato told the story of an incorruptible individual who struggled against the tyranny of Caesar. Cato's adherence to...
  • Quotes by Charles Darwin
  • - Charles Darwin was intellectually ahead of his times. In the eighteenth century, not many biologists were convinced about Darwin's theory of evolution. His views were considered nonconformist as they refuted the commonly accepted beliefs about God's creation. Over time, the world gradually understood and accepted his theory of evolution. Find out why quotes by Charles Darwin evoked strong responses from people.
  • George Washington Carver Quotes
  • - Read popular quotes by George Washington Carver.
  • Susan B Anthony Quotes
  • - Susan B Anthony (1820 - 1906) was an American social reformer and suffragist. Some of her quotes can affect you at the core. Here is a collection of the most popular Susan B Anthony quotes. Would You Like More?.
  • Quotes by John Keats
  • - John Keats is a name that must figure in any list of the greatest English poets. But, did you know that John Keats died at a very young age of 25? Just imagine the wealth of literature that he might have created had he lived longer. All the same, his existing body of work itself is so rich that he stands as a literary giant. This is a list of memorable John Keats quotes.
  • Quotes by Rudyard Kipling
  • - Rudyard Kipling is one of the few famous authors of the English language to have originated from India. His children's stories: The Jungle Book, Second Jungle Book, Kim, Just So Stories (1902), and Captains Courageous have made him a household name the world over. I hope you will enjoy this collection of famous Rudyard Kipling quotes.
  • Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
  • - Poet, story writer, and critic, Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most highly regarded writers of American literature. His originality is his hallmark. At his time, however, there was a lot of criticism about his neuroticism, glorification of death, and other unacceptable concepts. This is a collection of some of the most famous Edgar Allan Poe quotes.
  • Charles Dickens Quotes
  • - Charles Dickens is the author of popular works like: Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop, Barnaby Rudge, Christmas Carol, Dombey and Son, David Copperfield and others. It is unlikely that there is anybody in the whole wide world, who has studied English, but has not read Charles Dickens. This is a collection of some of the most famous Charles Dickens quotes.
  • Benjamin Franklin Quotes
  • - You could read deep mysterious words of wisdom, or you could read deep but simple words of common sense. If you prefer the latter, you are at the right place. This page lists some of the most famous quotations by Benjamin Franklin. A man noted for his strong common sense wisdom.
  • Being Famous Quotes
  • - Imagine you are a famous celebrity. Every time you step out of your car, cameras go popping, and the paparazzi mob you. Now, imagine this to be an everyday affair. How does it feel being famous? Everyone enjoys a bit of fame, but the flip side of being famous can be daunting. Do celebrities enjoy being famous? Here are some interesting being famous quotes from celebrities who live under the scann…
  • Famous Artist Quotes
  • - An artist thinks with colors, patterns, and shapes. However, if you read these famous artist quotes, you will know that artists also think with vibrant words. Famous artists like Michelangelo, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Henry Moore, Rembrandt, and many others have left their indelible mark in the field of art. What made them so great? Before you look at their art, read these fa…
  • Quotes by Famous People
  • - Here is a collection of inspirational quotes on a wide variety of topics. Read inspirational quotes from Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, and other famous people.


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